Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Brent, My Bubbly Brother


  1. GREAT job, Court! Brent is cute, as usual! Looking forward to MORE interviews!!!! :-)

  2. Great job.Nanny loves both of you.

  3. I'm suprised he didn't say Jessalyn! (and I'm happy he didn't) why did you have to say my full name though? :o) Brent is so funny!

    ~Jessalyn Mae Hayes! LOL

  4. hey courtney when r u going to put somthing else up

  5. Hey courtney it's me sarah brent was adorable in that video i don't c u very much at school wish we had a class together. i just wanted 2 tell u that the choir is gonna be selling candy 4 a dollar we got 3 kinds of skittles we also got snickers kit kats and im pretty sure we got hersheys so please buy from me. jk but if u do want 2 buy from me i won't stop u i'll talk 2 u l8ter hope 2 c u at school byyyyy

  6. Ur page is cool how come u dont have more?
