Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Great Creature Adventure

          As you should have read, I have recently gone on a hiking trip, and boy was it something else. My family and I had found some frog eggs, which you can see on my video blog.   You’ll be able to check back each week to see how much they’ve grown.  All the information we’ve found says it could be 9 days to 3 weeks before they start to change.  That’s if they survived my brother shaking them on the way home.

The eggs where we found them.

When we first got there the ground was like quick sand and there were thorn branches everywhere. If you turned around you would be hit in the face by a tree branch. Once we got on a deer trail near the water, it was much easier to walk.  While at the creek we found a crawfish. I thought it would be a good idea to see if it could snap a stick in half. It can’t, but I still got to hold it.

It wouldn't let go until we put it back in the water.

My keen eye site came in handy on this trip because I spotted a small red bug while we were walking.  I told my mom, so she took a picture, and immediately googled it when we got home. It was really a red velvet mite that you see here.  It was ketchup red, the same red as one of my stepdad’s shirts that I’m a little embarrassed by.  Too bad I don’t have a picture of the shirt so you can compare.  

My step dad may not have the best taste in clothes, but he’s an awesome rock skipper.  He’s been trying to teach me how to do it for at least 2 years.  The secret is to find special skipping rocks that are small and round.  Shannon (that’s my step dad) actually put some in a bag to take home with us.  He’s been skipping rocks for 30 years, so it’s no big deal to him anymore.    

            My friend found a bug also.  It turned out to be a hellgrammite.  Shannon knew what that was, because it’s great fishing bait. We found the hellgrammite under a rock while building a dam in the creek. It looked like a black centipede but with big black jaws.  I don’t think you would want it to bite you.

It was a great hike!

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