Thursday, April 22, 2010

How Was YOUR Day?

Thanks to my mom's friend for sharing this funny!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Are You Ready for the Coop Cam?

The hens are here! I’ve been so excited about them coming that I almost cried on the bus. Each hen has their own name and personality. Red and Sarah are my hens, Miss. Piggy is my mom’s, Nitrous and Jet are my brothers, and my stepdad just named his Darla for the girl on Little Rascals. The funny part is my aunt is scared of chickens. 
Red; she is the hen with a mohawk and she is a reddish color. She is what I like to call a chubby chick. Maybe that’s why she is also the one my cat keeps an eye on. She lays a lot of eggs already.
Sarah; she is the darkest bird of all.  You might think she was the leader of the bunch. I named Sarah after my friend, she is so sweet just like the chicken. 
Miss. Piggy; she is the fattest of them all.  If you stick your finger in her cage she pecks it immediately because she hopes it may be something to eat. She has a black feather on her back that’s how we know it’s her. 
Nitrous & Jet; they look very similar but Jet is a much brighter red. They are the sisters of suspicion because they’re Brent’s birds. They are the ones with the short beaks.
There will be more stories to come, and EGGS too!

Welcoming the Chickens

Ideas for You

I was thinking about some things I should add to my site and was hoping you could help me with some ideas, or tell me if you like mine. Here is one I know I have to keep: it’s going to be called the coop cam. That’s coop, as in chicken coop. My mom and I are getting chickens and I thought it would be cool to keep you updated too. I’ll show you how to feed them, get eggs, and not get scratched, pecked, or attacked.
Another idea of mine is book blog. Its name means what it is. It’s going to be about books I’ve read, well more like summaries. Remember that most books I read are going to be chapter books that are different. So if you’re a big book worm check it out.
If you like gardening I’m also growing a garden. Possibly you all know a name you like for this blog, and if so please tell me because I’m clueless! Anyway this cam or blog, I’m not sure on that ether, but it’ll be about planting the plants, tilling, plowing, and other stuff. These were my ideas please give me your thoughts and opinions. I hope you will enjoy these topics. If you don’t like this stuff well please tell me your ideas.
P.S. I’m sad to say that the tadpoles are dead. 

Monday, April 19, 2010

Camping - Round 2, Second Verse, Same as the First

This weekend my family and I went camping. The first thing we did was to make a fire. Brent, my little brother, would get pinecones, pine needles that Brent calls ashes for some reason, and all kinds of sticks. The flames of orange and yellow grew and would blow ash and spark everywhere. Eventually the fire grew too big for mom to cook anything. So we had to wait a while until we could eat. 
My mom made bacon cheeseburgers, green beans, baked beans, and grilled corn. It was really fresh, and I wish I could have a meal like it every night. It tasted so good because it was cooked on the fire.  After we finished dinner, we all made yummy, and eewy gooey smores. I like mine charred, but everyone else likes them perfect. 
That night was calm and peaceful to my surprise. The worst part was I still had to sleep with my brother, but I would wake up to soft and hushed waves hitting the rocks. When I did wake up I wanted to go home and sleep in my bed.  
I also fished some too. I didn’t catch anything but I had fun trying. My stepdad caught two fish, but I’m not sure what they were though. I hope to go back soon. 
One of the best parts was that they had hot water, indoor plumbing, and electricity. So in the long run this trip was much better than the beach.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Beach Misery

My family and I went on a beach trip to catch fish, at Cape Lookout. I had planned for this to be a nice little quiet trip. Turns out it’s a whole different ball park. It was windy, cold, and sandy. The wind would move the sand and it would hit your legs like tiny meteors crashing from space. Adding a sunburn to that, your legs felt like they were on fire. Not to mention having to sleep in a half bed with my brother, with sand all over the bed just to make it worse.

My mom and I went to the lighthouse and its museum. These are some pictures of the trip to the lighthouse. It was really educational and my mom had a good time too. But, the sun, sand, and the whole no toilet thing ruined almost everything.

Even though there wasn’t much to do we did find some awesome shells: conches, clam, and many more. The view was also absolutely gorgeous when the orange, red, and yellow sunset would shine. The sand dunes were huge. Thank goodness for that, otherwise you wouldn’t have privacy when using them as a bathroom.

The downs of the trip were there were no showers, no toilets, and no electricity. If you wanted a half decent shower, you would have to drive several miles to get there, and guess what we did.  It was dark, and it smelt like crap, but a shower is still a shower and I’m still living, so it was safe. It was also hard because living without toilets was very complicated. So picture this: you are crossing your legs because you have to pee, you’re sticky from salt water, and you stink pretty badly, then you have to find a dune to use as a bathroom away from home. After you finish, your hands are sandy and there’s no toilet paper. I would rather use the outhouse at the cabin. And don’t even get me started on the spiders in there.

So in the end, it had its ups and downs. Yet my mom wants to go back in the summer. She wants to go back so we can go up in the lighthouse when it’s open to the public. I wish to see the view of the beach and the island from there. Hopefully next time we will be able to see some of the wild horses too.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to put indoor plumbing to a good use now. So bye.
